Thursday, May 22, 2008

I just read that we were supposed to comment on the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners that were part of the first "thing." Let me see if I can remember them. I'm pretty sure that they were desirable habits-- no tobacco chewing or swearing-- but not as easily acquired as bad habits.

Read, think, listen, observe, appreciate, empathize, participate. I think this is close. The half habit is just a gimmick to get your attention. There is no such thing as a half-habit.

But getting back to golf: I acquired this habit just a few years ago, and have since spent many American dollars on golf clubs, golf lessons, golf shoes, and especially golf balls. Should have spent less on shoes and more on lessons. This is truly a cruel sport that tricks you into thinking you might just get better at it. And it seems that you aren't allowed to be good at putting if you hit long drives, or the reverse. One thing I've learned, playing in the county league: men play by different rules than women. I had never heard of the "two-putt" rule until we played with a guy who patiently explained it to us. Who knew that you don't have to count every stroke? Golf is truly a lifelong learning experience.

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